About to be a father again

My wife who is pregnant with twins informed me today during lunch that her doctor told her that the child birthing process has begun.

Sweet Mercy and Good Gravy! I’m not prepared!!

I’m back at work right now trying to tie up some loose ends as I believe I’ll be out of work for a couple of weeks. I still don’t have my stupid new camera. That’s what I get for waiting to the last minute.

It may be a few days before I post again, unless the I can find WiFi in the hospital! :)

Wish me & my wife luck!!! Bye!

Big Tivo Announcements

My Tivo has been one of my favorite investments ever. But there’s always been problem with it, being that if I record something on the living room Tivo I have to watch it on the living room Tivo. It’s been the one thing keeping me from buying a second Tivo, and now Tivo is going to be addressing that need.

The new TiVo Home Media Option will allow subscribers to stream music and photos stored on the PC directly to the family TV. With the TiVo remote, subscribers can relax in the living room and view digital photos and listen to digital music that is stored on the PC. Video can be streamed from a TiVo in the bedroom to a TiVo DVR in the living room. The TiVo Home Networking Option will support a number of different digital audio and image formats including JPEG and MP3.

Thank you TiVo!!!

This whole Joe Millionaire thing

On my way into work, I was listening to my usual morning show, and they were deep into dicussing the new FOX hit, Joe Millionaire.

Their debates brought up a lot of the already known moral issues of a show like this, but they also made an interesting point that I haven’t heard mentioned before.

What if there’s something FOX isn’t telling the viewers. What if the whole $19,000/year thing is a lie or there’s something else about this guy that could be shocking. Just a thought.

4 Megapixels of glory, I hope

I just found a buyer for my current digital camera, so I can finally buy a new one. I spent alot of the day looking a various one’s. Price is the main deciding factor on my choice. If money wasn’t a big concern, I would choose the Canon Powershot G3. But since it is, I’m going the the Olympus C-4000.

The Olympus C-4000 seems to have the best bang-for-buck ratio, and rated very well on all the different consumer review sites I visited today. Hopefully it will arrive befor the twins do!

Yeah, it’s pretty slow at work today.

Intent of release

Well, I made the decision that I’m going to package up my code and release it under the name MYblog.

I’ll spend this week going through and triming down and reorganizing all the functions. Then I need to finish off a few key components before the initial release.

I’ve already created the page for the release, which includes the changelog and a TODO list.

I’m really curious to see if there will be any interest in it when it’s released.

Official Shotgun Rules

Found this link at one of my daily reads.

The term Shotgun refers to the front passenger seat of an automobile. Calling “Shotgun” is the act of claiming the position of Shotgun for one’s self. As this position is the most coveted of all positions when riding in a car, the following list of rules has been created to ensure that Shotgun can be acquired in a fair and equitable manner by any passenger of an automobile.


Putting your ‘blog on the map

Thanks go out to Computer Toaster for posting these links.

Using GeoURL, you can give geographic coordinates to your website and find out what other websites are close to yours. Here’s my neighbors.

He also posted a link to GeoTags, but I haven’t figured out how to use one yet. I added my URL, but am not sure where to go from there for any useful info.

Just another in the ever growing list of cool web things!