Chads Ramblings

I plan to listen live tonight

In the middle of October I commented on some podcasts that I’d listen to and mentioned that I didn’t care for The Linux Link Tech Show and I stopped listening to it. Well, a couple of weeks ago I started listening again and have since resubscribed to their feed. I could still do with less belching and eating in the microphone, but the show has grown on me since the first couple I’ve listened to.

If you don’t know their format, they do the show live every Wednesday and stream it to the internet and also record it for archived release which can be downloaded directly or caught in a podcast client. The show is recorded on Wednesdays at 9pm Eastern.

I plan on listening to the stream tonight as well as logging in to their IRC room located at #techshow on IRC server. According to their site, to listen to the live stream, use this URL:

Join in if you can.

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