Since work has been so slow, I’ve really been able to get a lot of work done on our company’s website. With that said, let me start by saying apaches mod_rewrite is wicked cool. I’ve used it to really clean up all our URLs. I’ve also added a lot of content, which is something it has been lacking for years. And functionality, it now has an online configurator for the computers we sell. I’ve made numerous small design changes as well, which definitely help the over all appearance. And lastly I’ve made it xhtml 1.0 transitional compliant, which was actually easier than I though it would be. When I started it had over 300 violations, but less than an hour later it was completely valid.
What’s the deal with loose meat sandwiches, you ask?
Well, one of my favorite shows is 30 Minute Meals on FoodTV. I like that show because the recipes she presents have a strong focus on easy and simple. I made her loosemeat sandwich recipe last night and it turned out soo good! I made 2 1/2 pounds of the stuff so I brought it in to work and it was a big hit there also.
I don’t know what to try next, either the Smoked Turkey Baked Chimichangas or the Turkey and Wild Mushroom Meat Loaf Patties with Pan Gravy. Mmmmmmm!