Is twitter dead?

It’s weird how attached I’ve become to this service, but connectivity to the service has been rather hit or miss for the last couple of weeks. And now it’s been completely unreachable since some point last night.

I understand that this is a free service and how can you really complain about something you get for nothing? Well, while I don’t consider twitter a service I would ever pay money for, but I’ve never been opposed to ads integrated with the tweets.

In this world of web 2.0 services, you either need to be able to scale to the demand or die a slow horrible death. It seems as though twitter is heading for the latter.

Is twitter killing the blog?

I’ve been wondering this question for quite awhile. It certainly seems in my little world that twitter has had an extremely profound impact on the use of this very blog. So much so, that this is the first post I’ve actually written since October 12th of last year. I’ve been relying on posting blurbs and snippets from other interesting sites and new bookmarks to add some content here every few days.

I don’t believe I am alone in this situation either. For the most part I follow all the same people on twitter whose blogs I follow in RSS feeds. And they don’t get the same amount of updates as they did in the past. That’s certainly not true for everyone, but I think it is overall.

For me, twitter is a great place to share an idea or thought. I’ve never been much of a writer, so it was great to make a simple post without a lot of unnecessary banter of creating a decent size post or having to give every post a title.

But at the same token, always being limited to 140 characters tends keep me from writing about some things, and I tend to forget that I still have this place as an option. Another downside of twitter is that the information moves so fast, that unless you are constantly reading through all your contacts past tweets, there is a good chance you might miss something interesting.

Like most of my posts, this doesn’t really have any point, it was just an observation. And maybe it will spark a little conversation or debate, as I’m really curious what others think of this.

Follow me on Twitter if your interested in more of what I have to say, since that is where I say the most.