So far so good with the Roku

A few weeks back I announced I was going to get a Roku Ultra as I’ve grown tired of the piece of crap Apple TV 4. Well I didn’t get a Roku Ultra, I instead got a Roku Premiere+, which is the step down from the Ultra. And I didn’t replace my 4th gen Apple TV…..yet. I decided to install the Roku on my bedroom TV and replace the aging 2nd gen Apple TV I’ve been using. I really do like Roku. It’s nice having Amazon Video has a choice. The remote control is superior over the Apple TV remote. And the fact that I can plug headphones in to the remote is a nice tough.


And if you didn’t know, there is a Roku app for your smartphone (at least for ios, not sure about android) that allows you to control the player as well as making it way easier to type in text. And it also will pass through audio if you have headphones plugged in to your phone.

Another nice feature that I discovered by accident was that I could stream the Youtube video I was watching on my iPad to the Roku. Not sure if works with other media apps, but does work for Youtube.


Hopefully soon I can replace the other 2 Apple TV’s in the house.






PSA – The Frasier Finale

For those that were miffed about missing the very end of the friends finale because the show ran longer than an hour and you only set your DVR/VCR to record for an hour, be prepared for the frasier finale by adding extra time.

I didn’t watch or record the final friends, but my TiVo let me know ahead of time that it may run longer.

Jim was one of the many that were caught off guard this. This morning I received the same notice from TiVo about last fraiser. I took a picture of the screen and posted it below.

That’s umpossible?

I’m sitting here watching The Simpsons, and realize it’s an episode that I have never seen before. How is that possible? It sort of gives me hope that there may be more, and that watching it every night may actually not be a waste of time.

UPDATE: As it turns out as the episode went further on, I have seen it before. The first half just didn’t look familiar. All hope is again lost for seeing a new episode in syndication. Will I still continue to watch it religiously? You betcha!

Two Guys And A Girl

One of my favorite shows of all time, Two Guys And A Girl, is back on TV albeit in syndication. But I’ll take it anyway I can get it. I don’t know what it was with that show, but it’s level of humor just sites right with me. Now I’m not thrilled about about the channel it’s on, being the manly man that I am, but back to the original point, it’s on somewhere and that’s all that counts. For those interested, it can be seen every weeknight at 5:30PM CST on the WE(Womens Entertainment) Network.

Thank goodness for the worldest greatest invention, Tivo, I don’t have to sit through any commercials of this awful station. And I’ll never miss an eposode.