Throwback Thursday: Recently, due to a day celebrated about me, my mom unearthed quite a few photos with me in them. These photos span far back to my early days. While in my adult life I’m not a huge fan of being in photos, it was pretty cool to look back through these. Thank mom!
This first one is a photo of me and my cousins when my family visited them in Iowa. The year written on the back is 1980.
Category: Family
My daughters sing the Ramones
Here’s my 5 year old daughters, Jennifer and Kaitlyn singing along to Beat On The Brat by the Ramones.
They get off to a little bit of a rough start but eventually get in to the groove.
My girls sing the Ramones from Chad Davis on Vimeo.
Happy Birthday Brandon!
He turns 6 years old today.
Now get out of bed!
Brandon lost his first tooth
I really meant to post this the day it happened, which was December 3rd 2006, but I guess better late than never!
I was pretty funny exactly how it happened, but was fairly traumatic to him initially. He was pretty upset about some of the blood. This picture was taken about 15 minutes after the tooth came out and at this point he was pretty excited about it.
You’ve got to be kidding me….No PB&J’s allowed!?!
This is total crapola. As I wrote earlier today, my son started kindergarten today, and he brought a note home telling students(really the parents) that students in this class are not allowed to bring in any foods that are made from nut products, because 2 kids in his class are allergic to them. This includes peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.
Well you know what? That the sandwich my kids likes and there is no reason he shouldn’t be able to bring it for lunch.
We were actually made aware before school even started about the kids with the allergies and they asked that no one bring class snacks with nuts in the ingredients, and I can understand this, that’s fine. But we were even told at the open house that individual lunches would be fine to have peanut butter. If the school has a problem with what my kids brings to eat they should just let him eat school hot lunches free of charge for the year.
Speaking of family news
My wife recently got hired for a full time job. She starts next Monday. This will be the first time in over 5 years that she will have a full time (paying) job. It will be nice for her to have ‘normal’ business hours. We might even get to start doing things as a family.
First day of school for all 3 kids
Today, the oldest started kindergarten, one of the twins started her early-childhood class and the other twin started at preschool. Can’t wait to hear all the stories tonight!
Kids say the cutest things
This past weekend my 5 year old, who was upset with me about something, says, “I’m going to build an evil robot and get rid of all of you!”. Isn’t that just precious!?!
I always wonder where they pick up certain things, but I bet this one stems from watching The Incredibles way too many times.
Did I mention that my wife has a blog now?
Not much going on yet. I’m really curious to see what it becomes though!