Freemoneyfinance had this entry on the their blog today, and I found it interesting, because this is exactly what we did about 3 months ago. We were paying approx $58/month for DirecTV service and we decided that it just didn’t make much sense, since we mostly watched network stations and the kids mostly watch DVD’s. Plus TechTV was no more. TechTV was the whole reason I got the dish many years ago. Fortunately there are a quite a few IP TV shows that fill the void.
We went from $58/month to $11/month for basic cable which saves us over $550 a year. Not bad. There have been a few downsides though. We had become a timeshifted family as we had 2 DirecTivos in the house. Those are now all gone and we miss a quite a few shows because of they’re gone. It’s not so bad anymore as we’ve gotten used to other ways to see our favorite shows. The other downside for me, as a Nascar fan, is that some races are shown on channels I now longer get, but if I really want to watch a race that I can’t at my house, I can always head over to the parents house.
All in all, I’m really happy we made this decision.
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